
The New Era of

A philosophy of Luxury rooted in Classic Values.


A more meaningful approach to luxury, rooted in classical philosophy and timeless values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. 

  he recent years have invited new conversations about what luxury means in our day and age. Social media has amplified the pressures of presenting ourselves and our brands in ways that don’t feel true to ourselves, leaving us paralyzed by the demands of being omnipresent, in a constant state of creating, and being online.

In this fast-paced world of trends and an incessant influx of information, shifting trends, and aesthetic standards, we propose a different approach: one that allows us slow down, create at our own pace, indulge in the beauty of our creations, dedicate time to cultivating excellence in our craft, and be seen and recognized for the values we stand for as a business and as a human being.



of Luxury

We believe luxury goes beyond brand vanity and aspirational lifestyles. True luxury holds itself to the highest standards of morality, ethics while providing exceptional experiences.

Nobility of the Mind.

Drinking vinegar hell of normcore gluten-free before they sold out cold-pressed prism tilde distillery kitsch fashion axe jean shorts whatever. Crucifix direct trade neutra, trust fund cornhole bicycle rights tattooed typewriter. Distillery shoreditch lo-fi meggings narwhal vaporware.

Our Mission 

 Beauty of the Soul.

The luxury of

We believe in


The virtue of


We believe in



over Aesthetics

We believe in



We believe in

An embodiment of authenticity, excellence, and inner beauty.

A reimagined idea of luxury, a revival of classical ideals in our modern world, challenged by a culture of consumption and aspiration.

More than a lifestyle -

a philosophy.

a standard.

More than a lifestyle -

Our coat of arms


Every human has an innate desire for beauty. We believe in creating brands and beautiful lives beyond vanity and aesthetics but a cultivation of inner and outer beauty.

Timeless Values

At the heart of our philosophy are the classical virtues of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, honoring the whole human as an intellectual, moral, and aesthetic being.



Our motto Esse Quam Videri is a commitment to integrity and truth, and a philosophy of luxury that is not just seen but experienced.


A culture of excellence as taking pride in the effort of a job well done, holding oneself to the highest standards of morality and quality, and appreciating the value of savoir-faire.

Latin “To be, rather than to seem”.

But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works and what doesn't.

   I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. Brooklyn hexagon biodiesel af, man bun literally salvia live-edge fixie cornhole freegan. Snackwave hella meggings bespoke meditation art party stumptown edison bulb williamsburg literally four dollar toast distillery photo booth. 


The Signature Syllabus

I. 1:1 Consulting

II. Courses

III. The Journal

IV. The Salon

V. Resource Library

Carefully curated experiences

The Founder

Seasoned Brand Strategist, Lover of Beauty, INFJ. Old Soul.

       velin is a seasoned brand strategist with over a decade of experience in strategic brand management, marketing, PR, and business development. With an MBA from the University of London, her expertise and personal values shine through in her work, as she guides aspiring luxury brand founders toward an authentic and quietly impactful presence.

An old soul and introvert, she is dedicated to supporting female founders and quiet individuals in building authentic luxury businesses and beautiful, quiet lives.

“Luxury is for those who take the time to understand and appreciate it.”


“I've always enjoyed traditional luxury goods, but after a decade in corporate and later as an entrepreneur, I grew disenchanted with the archaic stereotypes and lack of integrity of many legacy brands I used to look up to, diluting the essence of true luxury, whether in product quality, supply chain or the commercialization of creation and the art that luxury is. I was craving different ideals than brand vanity and exploitative business models.

I founded The School of Luxury to share my approach to luxury that felt most true to me. I wanted to see a more nuanced representation of luxury. I wanted to create a community of like-minded women who share these values and are committed to building beautiful lives outside the confines of societal pressures and aspirational illusions perpetuated by social media. We need luxury with meaning.”

A Note from The Founder

“I've always enjoyed traditional luxury goods, but after a decade in corporate and later as an entrepreneur, I grew disenchanted with the archaic stereotypes and lack of integrity of many legacy brands I used to look up to, diluting the essence of true luxury, whether in product quality, supply chain or the commercialization of creation and the art that luxury is. I was craving different ideals than brand vanity and exploitative business models.

I founded The School of Luxury to share my approach to luxury that felt most true to me. I wanted to see a more nuanced representation of luxury. I wanted to create a community of like-minded women who share these values and are committed to building beautiful lives outside the confines of societal pressures and aspirational illusions perpetuated by social media. We need luxury with meaning.”

Join the list


Join our society of women and female founders and receive the Luxury Letter with occasional edits, essays, and announcements.



Noble Soul